ISO 15858:2016 UVC Devices - Safety info - Permissible human exposure
UV Medico
Mar 5, 2024 10:32:42 AM

The International Organization for Standardization 15858 was developed to highlight the minimum specifications on UVC safety for products and equipment utilizing UVC lamp fixtures. The ISO 15858 mainly addresses safety information regarding the use of 254 nm wavelengths and does not mention the use of 222 nm. The ISO sets the maximum permissible UVC exposure for radiation at 254 nm at 6 mJ/cm2 during an 8h workday, 40h work week. All UVC devices utilizing 254 nm UVC light must be installed to keep below this limit. To ensure UV-C lamps keep within the safe range of exposure, the ISO states all devices must be installed and checked by trained personnel wearing appropriate personal protective equipment.
This regulation is expected to be updated shortly with the new recommendations of ACGIH.
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