Cleanzone 2024

Meet UV Medico at Hall 1.2 - Stand B26

September, 25-26 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany

Download UV Medico's Pharma/Cleanroom Brochure

Find out the Far-UVC solutions for decontamination of cleanroom facilities
Get the Brochure

UV222 Booth - Nominated for Cleanzone Award 2024

UV Medico is proud to be nominated for the Cleanzone Award 2024. This award celebrates advancements in cleanroom technology, recognizing efforts that improve automation, sustainability, and overall effectiveness. Our nomination reflects our dedication to pushing the boundaries in this field.

Visit our booth at Cleanzone 2024 to see firsthand what sets us apart. Take a deeper look at the UV Booth. 

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Far-UVC Solutions for Aseptic Manufacturing

Enhancing Aseptic Filling Lines

For aseptic filling lines, maintaining an environment free from contamination is critical. Our Far-UVC systems are designed to integrate seamlessly into existing facilities, providing continuous decontamination of air and surfaces. This integration ensures that your products are handled in an ultra-clean environment, thus safeguarding product integrity and patient safety.


Jordi Amagat

Segment Manager - Life Science and Pharma

Jordi Amagat Molas is a distinguished biotechnologist and researcher with a Ph.D. in Biological and Chemical Engineering, boasting expertise in biomaterials and medical devices at UV Medico. Jordi is driven by a passion for science, a collaborative spirit, and a love for global exploration.

Cecilie Aaberg Meltofte

Cecilie Aaberg Meltofte

Segment Manager - Indoor Air Quality

Segment Manager - Indoor Air Quality at UV Medico, holds a robust educational background with a Master's degree in Biology from Aarhus University. Cecilie’s multifaceted career is driven by her passion for biology and her dedication to enhancing Indoor Air Quality.

UV Medico products at Cleanzone


UV222 Booth

Decontaminate fully gowned operators in less than 30 seconds before entering a higher-grade cleanroom area.

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UV222 Step-On

A touchless, chemical-free solution for decontaminating footwear in cleanrooms, addressing contamination risks not mitigated by sticky mats.

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UV222 Cleanroom Downlight

Designed specifically for cleanroom environments, this downlight meets stringent industry standards, offering superior decontamination.

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UV222 Linear

Designed for use in aseptic filling lines, it supports high cleanliness standards essential for sterile environments. 

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Vertex 222

With its 222 nm Krypton Chloride Excimer Lamp, this versatile device can be installed in corners, ensuring comprehensive decontamination.

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UV222 lamp offers a safe and effective solution for improving air and surface disinfection in various environments.

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UV222 Booth: Revolutionizing Cleanroom Decontamination

The UV222 Booth has been designed specifically
for eliminating microbial contamination on personal protective equipment
(PPE) before entering cleanrooms or other working environments that must
be kept free of microbial pathogens


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What is Annex 1

The Annex 1 is a section of the European Union’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines, dedicated to providing detailed guidance and information for...
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A Game Changer in Cleanroom Decontamination

Cleanroom operators are the main source of cleanroom contamination. Therefore, there is a need to ensure that gowned operators do not bring in contaminating...
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UV Medico's Latest UV222 Booth: Ready for Delivery

In this blog post, we share the journey of another UV222 Booth, ready for delivery and on-site assembly by our team, enhancing cleanroom safety with advanced UVC...

How to Find Us?



Frankfurt, Germany


September, 25-26 2024

UV Medico's Booth:

Hall 1.2 - Stand B26