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Technical Specifications and Safety
About UV Medico
Far-UVC Technology
Efficacy Against Pathogens
UV222™ Product Overview
Usage and Maintenance
Technical Specifications and Safety
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UV Medico Knowledge Base
Technical Specifications and Safety
About UV Medico
Far-UVC Technology
Efficacy Against Pathogens
UV222™ Product Overview
Usage and Maintenance
Technical Specifications and Safety
Technical Specifications and Safety
Detailed information on the technical aspects and safety of UV222™ lamps.
What is the lifetime of UV Medico's lamps?
Can the standard version of the UV222 be mounted in vehicles such as ambulances?
In the product description IP66 it shows: “Ambient humidity: 5-90% RH”. What is the meaning in layman’s terms?
What is the material of the power cables for the different UV222 lamps?
What is the length of the power cables for the different UV222 lamps?
What is the power consumption of the lamps?
What is the transmission through toughened glass?
Can the output of the lamp be adjusted?
The distance measured by the LiDAR sensor fluctuates even though there is no movement around the lamp
How does the Care222 safety filter technology work in the UV222 lamps?
Can I accidentally adjust the doses of Far-UVC light and the wavelength of the Far-UVC light that the UV222 lamp emits?
What are the dimensions of UV222 from UV Medico?
Is there any mercury in the UV222 lamp?
What can happen if the UV222 lamp is dropped?
Can the Far-UVC light that the lamp emits be harmful if I already suffer from certain diseases?
Is the Krypton Chloride gas inside the UV222 light source hazardous to people?