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  2. Technical Specifications and Safety

In the product description IP66 it shows: “Ambient humidity: 5-90% RH”. What is the meaning in layman’s terms?

Explaining the Ambient Humidity Range for UV222 Lamps' Optimal Operation

When the data sheet for the UV222 Industrial lamp states "Ambient Humidity: 5-90% RH", it means that the lamp works best in this relative humidity range. 

Relative humidity (RH) is a percentage (0-100%) and is defined as the amount of water vapor in a volume of air relative to the maximum amount possible. This is because the amount of water vapor required to saturate a volume of air depends on the air temperature. 

Simply put, the closer it is to zero, the drier the air. Conversely, the closer it is to 100%, the more saturated the air is with water vapor.

If the air is extremely dry (below 5%) or extremely humid (above 90%), there is a risk that the operation of the UV222 Industrial lamp will be affected.


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