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  2. Technical Specifications and Safety

What can happen if the UV222 lamp is dropped?

Learn what happens to the tubes, Far-UVC filter, electronics, and the LiDAR in case of an accident.


They contain only small amounts of krypton chlorine gas (below atmospheric pressure), so we would not expect any risk from this.

Far-UVC filter

May be damaged if the lamp is dropped on a hard surface. A damaged filter should not be exposed to harsh chemicals as this may damage the thin film that makes up the filter. 

Electronics and software

Both the electronics and the software have a built-in safety shutdown, which means that a short circuit or similar will prevent the lamp from turning on.


May become misaligned with rough handling, which in the worst case will again prevent the lamp from turning on.  


Explore the technology behind UV222.

If you have more questions about this, feel free to reach out here.