1. UV Medico Knowledge Base
  2. UV222™ Product Overview

How quickly can an object be disinfected using UV222 technology?

At a distance of 5 cm, the irradiance would be 2 mW/cm^2, resulting in a dose of 5 mJ/cm^2 in 2.5 seconds, sufficient to reduce most pathogens by 90%.

The dose required for inactivation varies among different types of bacteria and viruses.

As an example, we can assume a required dose of 5 mJ/cm2, which is sufficient to inactivate 90% of commonly found pathogens. 

At 5 cm from the UV222 lamp, the irradiance is 2 mW/cm2. At this distance, the time required to achieve a dose of 5 mJ/cm2 is 2.5 seconds. 


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