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  2. UV222™ Product Overview

What is the difference between UV dose and intensity?

Relation between UV dose and UV intensity

UV intensity is related to the power output of the UV222 lamp and therefore how much Far-UVC light is available to inactivate microorganisms. UV222 lamp intensity is often measured in µW/cm2.

Simply put, intensity is the instantaneous energy from a UV222 lamp experienced by microorganisms on a surface. 

UV dose refers to the amount of energy received by microorganisms over time. UV dose, often measured in mJ/cm2, is the intensity (mW/cm2) multiplied by the exposure time (seconds). 

Simply put, the dose is the accumulated energy from a UV222 lamp that microorganisms on a surface experience when the lamp is active for a period of time. 


UV dose (mJ/cm2) = UV intensity (mW/cm2) x Exposure time (seconds)


1µW = 0.001 mW


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