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  2. UV222™ Product Overview

How effective is UV222 against fungi?

Fungicidal efficacy of UV222. Variability Across Species

UV222 can inactivate fungi, but the effect depends on the fungal species.
For example, some studies have shown a good effect on Penicillium and Candida species and some effect on Aspergillus species.

UV Medico's researchers have demonstrated that intermittent low doses of far-UVC can inhibit the growth of common molds. 



1. Hessling M, Haag R, Sieber N, Vatter P. The impact of far-UVC radiation (200-230 nm) on pathogens, cells, skin, and eyes - a collection and analysis of a hundred years of data. GMS Hyg Infect Control. 2021 Feb 16;16:Doc07. doi: 10.3205/dgkh000378. PMID: 33643774; PMCID: PMC7894148.

2. Mogensen EH, Holm CK. Intermittent low-intensity far-UVC irradiation inhibits growth of common mold below threshold limit value. medRxiv. 2024:2024.02.12.24302727. 


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